Why Consider a Digital Adoption Platform?

Some key macro trends (such as consumerization, usage-based pricing, and the no-code/low-code movement) have driven teams to seek out more efficiency through self-service and to leverage product as a channel for driving growth. This has led teams to buy DAPs and in this chapter we'll consider common use cases, the build vs. buy debate, and how to forecast ROI when investing in a platform.

Some highlights that we'll dive into further in the chapter:

πŸ” The ten most common use cases for DAPs include user onboarding, trial conversion, feature discovery, self-serve support, churn reduction, cross-sell and upsell, feedback collection, content promotion, news and notifications, and change management.

πŸ€” Companies consider investing in a DAP during significant product changes, pricing shifts, product redesigns, adding new product lines, or aiming to increase revenue efficiently and improve user feedback at scale.

🧱 Building in-house offers customization and control but requires significant engineering resources. Buying a DAP offers advanced features, faster implementation, and less technical debt, making it ideal for companies seeking quick wins and reduced engineering dependency.

πŸ“ Building a business case for DAP investment is crucial for aligning stakeholder expectations, ensuring informed decision-making, and demonstrating the potential ROI by outlining objectives, identifying problems, and exploring solutions with detailed implementation steps.