Introducing the updated Chameleon + Heap integration

What's changed and how will it benefit you?

3 min read
Introducing the updated Chameleon + Heap integration

We’re excited to announce the launch of the updated Chameleon + Heap integration! In a few simple clicks, you can now send detailed Heap data into Chameleon to create highly targeted in-product experiences, without the need for Webhooks or engineering support.

This integration empowers product teams to create, analyze, and iterate on in-product guidance, and deliver relevant messaging at the right time, throughout the entire user journey. This will help you to advance your upselling and cross-selling efforts and retain more users.

How does the integration work?

Chameleon’s two-way integration with Heap enables you to use Heap as both a data source and a data destination.

Using Heap as a data destination, you can send data from Chameleon-built Experiences to Heap, and see user paths or create funnels that combine tour data and other product events for a holistic view of user engagement. 

Using Heap as a data source, you can use data from Heap to target specific groups with personalized Chameleon Experiences. The integration upgrade enables you to create Heap Segments, and seamlessly integrate these with Chameleon workflows - no need for Webhooks!

Top 3 benefits you'll gain from the updated integration

1. Increased feature adoption

Create a cohort of users in Heap that might be interested in certain features, based on their past behaviors or their current rights, and target them via Chameleon with in-product announcements or targeted Tooltips. This increases the chances that relevant users will discover, adopt, and retain your key product functionality, while minimizing noise for users who don't care about these features at that specific moment.

2. Improved onboarding

Define different user personas within Heap (based on source, product interactions, or attributes), and show different, personalized, user onboarding experiences to each via Chameleon. This increases new user retention by helping users reach their “aha!” moment faster, and target groups of users who may be dropping off.

3. Better product feedback

Use Heap to identify which users have engaged or not engaged with certain features, and target these groups for product feedback via Chameleon. In-product Microsurveys built with Chameleon offer much higher response rates than traditional web surveys, and are often more reliable as the feedback is collected in the moment where users have context and intent.

About Heap + Chameleon

"Heap is proud to partner with Chameleon to offer the market a solution combining best-in class-analytics with in-product experiences. Our joint customers can now take advantage of two platforms to drive ROI across the entire product development lifecycle."

Zachary Fuld, Director Strategic Partnerships at Heap

Chameleon enables SaaS companies to offer self-serve support and increase product-led growth by creating custom in-product experiences, like product tours, tooltips, banners, modals, walkthroughs, announcements, checklists, and more – without writing code.

Heap is the future of digital insights, providing the best alternative to costly, slow and inaccurate legacy analytics. Heap’s low-code, easy-to-use digital analytics software provides the quickest time to insights teams can create the best possible digital experiences and accelerate their business. Over 8,000 businesses trust Heap to increase revenue, improve conversion, accelerate decision-making, and drive business impact at scale.

Get started with the integration

If you’re not already using the Chameleon-Heap integration, here are the steps to get you started:

  1. Sign up to Chameleon

  2. Sign up to Heap

  3. Read our user guide for details on how the integration works

  4. Integrate data and use Heap as a data source or a data destination

  5. Start personalizing your Chameleon Experiences

You can also book a demo to find out more.

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