
How SoSafe built an in-app feedback loop that 10x-ed their survey responses

Tours and Microsurveys reduced friction for users and enabled the team to leverage customer feedback
How SoSafe built an in-app feedback loop that 10x-ed their survey responses

đŸ€” Challenge: How can a B2B tool increase feedback collection to make more informed product decisions?

💡 Solution: By creating in-app Tours and Microsurveys that reduce friction for users when sharing insights or discovering product changes.

🏆 Results: Increased feedback gathered from users by 10x, collected 400 G2 reviews in 2 months, solidified a new process of announcing product updates, and increased new feature awareness.

SoSafe provides a platform for security awareness and human risk management focused on making secure behavior an instinct. The SoSafe platform includes e-learning content, phishing simulations, and risk analysis to help organizations manage security risks, ensure compliance, and build a proactive security culture.

The need for a dedicated product adoption platform 

SoSafe faced a challenge that was impacting the speed of their product development. The team had reached a point where customer feedback was hard to get, and could not ask users for impressions without engineering help. As a result, it made it harder for the team to know where to pivot and invest their resources. They needed to collect quantitative, high-quality feedback on the user experience in the SoSafe application. 

Before Chameleon, we struggled with getting quantitative data on certain aspects of our customers. We had a survey we were trying to get in front of our customers through various channels. But we ended up speaking to each customer individually, which, as we know, is not really feasible.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

The SoSafe team evaluated multiple tools and found that Chameleon ticked all the needs on their list: support for Single-Page Applications (SPAs), seamless integration with their stack, and multiple Microsurvey options. Finding a solution that ensured total compliance with GDPR regulations was also paramount. SoSafe was impressed with Chameleon’s ease of use. After implementing Chameleon without any internal or external support, the team managed to reap success with the first in-app Modal they set live. Today, they continue to find new use cases to leverage Chameleon to drive their product’s adoption. 

The Chameleon Help Center is definitely one of the better software repositories of helpful documentation that I've come across in the software space. I'd been through the evaluation process myself, I had a pretty good understanding of how to use it, and when we decided to buy the product, I already had access to it, and I could just go.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

Today, SoSafe leverages Chameleon to engage users in their dashboard efficiently and: 

  • Gather customer feedback that informs the product development process

  • Announce product changes and reduce friction for users

  • Improve their presence on and increase the number of reviews 

  • Recruit customers for interviews and BETA programs 

Let’s see how SoSafe started with one goal: collecting more feedback—and found success after success through in-app engagement. 

How Modals enabled SoSafe to increase feedback collection

SoSafe’s first use case was to learn more about the user experience and collect actionable feedback that could better inform their product development. The team had a detailed survey they were trying to get in front of users but had received few responses. Sending it in a newsletter and asking users about the user experience in the SoSafe platform wasn’t ideal, neither for their team nor users 😔 

To reduce friction around switching contexts, the team built a simple Modal that introduced the survey to users, this time in the SoSafe dashboard, where fresh impressions and willingness were easier. They used Chameleon’s button “Actions” to launch their existing survey with a simple button click from their application. Users can quickly launch it on the spot to fill it out. 

SoSafe also added a secondary button to allow users to “snooze” and complete the survey later. The team leverages a timestamp user property to inform them of the users who snoozed the Tour for later.  They used the same button, “Actions,” to update this property for every user who clicked their button. 

I’d have to use JavaScript hackery to trigger events to get the things to work. I didn't have to do that with Chameleon and that was perfect.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

SoSafe has to comply with strict regulations about managing their users’ data and does not store email addresses or any personal information. They run Chameleon anonymously and simply pass to Chameleon their internal unique identifier as a property to target users with in-app patterns. Updating custom properties as users engage with their in-app patterns, enables SoSafe to safely identify and re-engage users later on. 

💡 Chameleon Tip: You can update your user data in Chameleon for all users who click your buttons with the “Update Property” and “Add a Tag” Actions. You can then leverage properties or include/exclude tagged users in your Segments. 

Their first use case implementation was successful! Their users completed the survey and shared valuable insights, unblocking the SoSafe team. Previously, in three months, their survey received just five responses, but now it gets ~50 per month. 

Getting in-app feedback was hugely valuable for my team because we got the insights that we needed to help us make the decisions we needed to make. That was groundbreaking for us.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

Tours help the team drive new feature adoption and brand awareness

Seeing how quickly they could deploy in-app patterns to engage users, SoSafe moved on to a new use case. They wanted to remove the friction around product updates in their dashboard and help users navigate the changes. 

💡 Chameleon Tip: Users don’t like to be surprised by changes in a product as this comes with a level of confusion, a change of routine, or the need to learn new things. A quick heads-up notification that explains why this change is valuable to them will help users get accustomed to new flows and features. 

The SoSafe team built Tours to highlight dashboard changes and help users navigate updates. With each change, they created a Lightbox walkthrough to explain what’s new and how this impacts existing flows or activity for users. SoSafe used Chameleon’s “Click to progress” and “Click to complete” features to enable users to navigate their Tours easily. This way, users can progress to the next Step or dismiss it by clicking outside the Tour Step. They also added a “progress indicator” to set clear expectations of the short time needed to digest the information. 

We create Tours whenever we make a change within what we call the ”manager,” which is the administrative part of our product. We've seen great success with using Chameleon to announce those changes.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

👉 Explore how to create a Lightbox from this interactive demo. 

Today, SoSafe also uses Tours to increase their G2 presence and drive more business value. They created a Modal that asks users to leave a review from the SoSafe dashboard. A “Smart delay” shows up when users are not engaging in achieving a specific goal in the SoSafe application and asks them to share their successes on G2.  In a single push, they managed to collect a few hundred reviews and continue to optimize for better engagement. 

With Chameleon, the team went from 60 to 400 reviews in about two months and plans to increase the number. 

Microsurveys became vital to enable sharper product decisions 

SoSafe wanted to understand better where account managers found value in the SoSafe dashboard. The team built Rating and Input Microsurveys that asked users about their expectations and needs. They use Amplitude to sync cohorts of users who have been active for 60–90 days in the SoSafe application and include them when creating their Chameleon Segments. 

With questions about satisfaction, missing components, or ease of use, the SoSafe team touched upon different aspects of the users’ experience in their dashboard. With 16 live Microsurveys, the team significantly increased their capacity to gather and utilize customer feedback. 

👉 Explore an interactive demo of building a multi-button Microsurvey.

Another success the SoSafe team saw early on with Microsurveys, was recruiting users for interviews or Betas. Instead of engaging customers through newsletters, as they would have done in the past, they created multi-button Microsurveys and asked users to join. The team scheduled seven customer interviews quickly, enabling them to leverage even more valuable feedback in their development process. 

SoSafe also created an NPS Microsurvey that shows users each quarter using Chameleon’s Recurrence. Today, SoSafe is enjoying a healthy NPS score, with over 60% of their users being Promoters.  

Chameleon’s Rate Limiting helps SoSafe keep users engaged and not annoyed by too many requests for insights. And because they cater to an international audience, they leverage Chameleon’s Localization feature to personalize the experience. This makes showing their Microsurveys to users in their preferred language easy, creating more engagement and a stronger relationship. 

To understand the impact of their in-app announcements, they send Chameleon data to Amplitude and analyze it along with their product events. This helps the SoSafe team understand how in-app engagement impacts adoption. 

What’s next for SoSafe? 

The SoSafe team saw the value of Chameleon early on and understood the lengths they could go to achieve their product goals. The team considers collecting in-app feedback a vital component that informs and validates the features they continue to develop. Microsurveys enable the team to make the right decisions quickly and ensure a pleasant user experience. 

We could have built something like that ourselves. But the overhead of doing that for us, given the limited resources that my team has, wasn't feasible for us. So Chameleon is excellent for us because we can put something out and iterate quickly. We don't have to wait until we get our normal release cycle.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

Today, they actively use Chameleon to announce product updates, continue collecting feedback, and tackle new use cases. SoSafe is also implementing HelpBar, Chameleon’s dedicated search pattern to enable customers to find answers from their entire help documentation anywhere within the SoSafe application. 

👉 Explore an interactive demo of the HelpBar configuration. 

We love the flexibility of everything. It's fantastic. You can still think outside the box and cover interesting use cases that weren't necessarily intended for what Chameleon was built for. Adopting Chameleon is helping us really connect with our customers within their context.

Karl Fischmann, Senior Product Manager

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