
Speak your users' language

Say "hola", "bonjour", or "nǐ hǎo" to your users and help them learn the ins and outs of your product, in their own language
Speak your users' language

How to use Localization in Chameleon

Personalize your users’ experience by speaking to them in their preferred language and see your in-app engagement rates soar!

Ready to take your product experience international?

With Chameleon, you can easily support a multilingual experience for your users with specific language variants and the right visuals to match

Set your preferred languages
Choose which languages your in-app Experiences will display
Grab your translation files
Download your current in-app copy to a .yaml file or via Rest API
Translate your content
Follow the instructions in the file to craft seamless multilingual copy
Preview and publish
Upload your new translations to Chameleon and test them live

Boost product adoption no matter where your users are based

Get started free in our sandbox or book a personalized call with our product experts