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Automations (Beta)

🎁 Automate workflows with hands-free guidance

We've been working to help you guide users more seamlessly and help them easily complete quick tasks. Automations are recorded journeys that you can create in your product. Users can launch them to run tasks for them while they sit back and learn.

πŸ§ͺ Automations are available in Beta for Growth and Enterprise plans. Please note that our Beta program currently supports websites built to specific web accessibility standards. To ensure the best possible experience, we’ll review each application and confirm if we can successfully support your use case.

πŸ‘‰ Learn more about creating Automations in Chameleon.

✨ We've also refreshed our audience slide-overs throughout the Dashboard, to make it easier to review your audiences, specific users in a Segment, or to Tag users to create new audiences.

Boost product adoption and
reduce churn

Get started free in our sandbox or book a personalized call with our product experts