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A Better Debugger

✨ Get the Debugger command from the Extension

When an Experience doesn't display as expected, open the Chameleon Chrome Extension to get the Debugger command. Run that in your browser console and see details about the audience, for example, if it was dismissed or a Rate limit has been applied.

You can review all live Experiences, troubleshoot possible issues, or adjust configurations to ensure they display as they should πŸ› οΈ

πŸ‘€ Segmentation assessment changing

As users move in and out of your audiences, Chameleon will reassess whether an Experience should display more frequently. Combine different user properties and events and know that users will not see Experiences if they no longer meet the criteria.

πŸ‘€ This update will roll out to all accounts on October 1st.

πŸ‘‰ Learn more about creating Segments in Chameleon.

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